F2 Lightning (84) – B078

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Dokumentace/Documentation: Thanks to Luca Grasso (Italian F2 1984 catalogue), Dimitris Savidis (Hitthewave blog) and Old School Windsurfers group members.

Chris Thompson  “… (board) .. looks like the one I used in the Am Funboard World Cup in 1985. They only had the small centreboard. Very good if you were about 82 kg or more; any lighter and on the reaches you couldn’t get the bow up and they planed too flat with too much wetted surface”.

Tento obrázek nemá vyplněný atribut alt; název souboru je 94245158_527664024562069_2345073962049863680_o.jpg.

LIGHTNING is ranked the 39th in the BOARD magazine TOP 100 chart. It is 22-25. within the „oldschool – pre 2000 year boards.