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Documentation/ Dokumentace/: Thanks to Larry Stanley, Krisztián Dande, Beer G´la, Graeme Fuller, http://ancientmarinerpontificates.synthasite.com/, Mike Perren, Martin Overbeek, Claudia Pizh / Sardinia Windsurfing museum/, Chris M. Dunstan and to Old School Windsurfers group members for TC 39 comments…
Bottom: Larry Stanley is modyfying Arnaud de Rosnay’s TC39 before the Bering Straight crossing ( Windsurfing Hawaii shop in Kailua).
Top: Arnaud is ready for a training session with TC39 in Kailua.
Pictures from the Windsurfing Hawaii album are used by Larry´ s kind personal permission. Mahalo nui loa.
21.11.2020 22.11.2020
T39 is ranked 53rd in the BOARD magazine TOP 100 chart. It is 26. – 37 within the “oldschool – pre 2000 year boards, in top 10 within the old longboards…
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We try to acknowledge the sources of used images and documents and give credits to those who deserve it. Please let us know if you find any omissions or mistakes. Thanks.
Exhibit Nr/Ev. číslo: B018