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1968 – Jim Drake a Hoyle Schweitzer patentují „Větrem poháněný aparát“. Název WINDSURFER bude používán od r. 1969, patent bude uznán roku 1970 a brzy se rozběhne sériová výroba.
1987 – Windsurfing Intl. končí výrobu. Od r. 1970 dodal okolo 400 000 prken (one design).
The WINDSURFER sail # 212242 in the Windsurfing museum Prague collection. The sails with two wings design were produced at latest from 1978 till 90´s.
S091 – WINDSURFER # 212242 (1982*)
S touto originální plachtou jezdil na universitním windsurferu během svých studií na Jihovýchodě USA Tonda Pavlíček.
Windsurfing One design “original” sails CHRONOLOGY – attempt:
For the earliest Windsurfer Sails ever produced – #1 to #1000 check our gallery – ONE window sails era.
1976 Euro championships /thanks to Pierre Coupal/ 1977 Windsurfing magaine from library 1980 “Grant Long in Australia” /thanks to Pierre Coupal/ << Note unusual North Sails logo – detail from previous picture
1978 Windsurfer Worlds, Cancun /”double window” spotted for the first tine?/ 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Stadion (Czech sport magazine) – Karel Mencl archives Windurfing Intl. brochure – Dimitris Savidis (Hitthewave blog – library American Windsurfer mag /article/
Dokumentace / Documentation: – under construction –
Pictures without caption or credits were retrieved from Oldschool Windsurfers group posts. We try to acknowledge the sources of used images and documents and give credits to those who deserve it. Sometimes it´ s difficult and unclear. Please let us know if you find any omissions or mistakes.
Last update 22.10.2023.